As often mentioned in this newsletter, one of FMM’s obligations is to record and preserve items relating to South Africa’s wonderful motoring heritage. In this regard, a photo was published in the July newsletter’s Rear-View Mirror slot but where and when it was taken was...

My name is Greg Harris and I visited your beautiful museum about two years back and was impressed with what I observed. I had a pleasant discussion with Curator Wayne Harley about my history with cars in South Africa. My Mom and Dad, June and...

FMM was one of the many exhibitors at the Killarney Motor Show that was held at the international racing circuit in Cape Town on Sunday 5 November. On the FMM display was a 1915 Ford Model T Depohek, a 1961 Ford Anglia, a 1966 Ford...

A regular series about the museum’s motoring memorabilia and behind-the-scenes activities, compiled and written by FMM’s Assistant Curator Sian Theron. This month, it’s about the museum’s library and, in particular, a century-old map book...

A regular feature by senior workshop technician JP du Plessis outlining the activities of FMM’s workshop personnel who are responsible for repairing, renovating, refurbishing and restoring the museum’s large and varied collection of vehicles. This month, JP reports on Wilfred Tarentaal smoothing out a rough...