Acting Curator Sian Theron reports on FMM’s participation in a Ford Mustang celebration – and dressed up for the occasion...

The pre-war South African GPs attracted the world’s finest female competitors. Wendy Monk recalls their achievements...

Raymond Loewy’s glass fibre-bodied, four-seater high-performance grand tourer was advertised as the inspiration for all ’63 Studebakers, but the concept was doomed from the start...

These days we are all well aware of various automotive brands being part of a group, but when did it all begin? William C Durant was a pioneer of the concept, and Rugby was only one player in the game plan...

Apart from the longer-term hall display changes, a Rolls-Royce road show took place from April 19-21 in Hall B. Rolls-Royce provided a number of cars for display and combined with the museum’s examples, the range of models ran from FMM’s 1915 Silver Ghost right up...

The Lemons 9-Hour Race is set to make history in Cape Town as Africa's largest motorsport happening holds its inaugural mother city event, the Mischief Garage 9-Hour, on July 5-6 at Killarney International Raceway. Building on the success of the 9- and 24-Hour races in...

Excitement is building in preparation for the first-ever Western Cape Motor Mech Show, which will be held at HTS Drostdy on Saturday 9 March. HTS Drostdy is the only fully-fledged technical high school in the Boland, in collaboration with the Motor Industry Workshop Association (MIWA),...

FMM recently acquired a rare South African car, the Caracal. It was conceived in the late-1980s by Intermotormakers, a Cape Town company established in the mid-1970s to assemble Lamborghinis and Lotuses, a scheme cut short when the Government withdrew an exemption clause from the industry’s...