Oily Rag Run 2022

This year’s Crankhandle Club Oil Rag Run organised by Dickon Daggitt took place on October 23 and was run to a slightly different format to previous years. The event was open primarily to any pre-1976 car that is unrestored but allowing for minor accident damage and upholstery repairs. However, for the first time, entries for restored pre-1976 cars was allowed providing the work carried out was authenticated.

There was no route schedule to follow, but entrants followed a straightforward route starting at Crossley & Webb’s showrooms in the Gardens then along and over Ou Kaapse Weg and Chapman’s Peak Drive to the Beach Bar in Hout Bay. FMM Curator Wayne Harley took part in his Fiat Abarth 850TC ‘Fugazi’.

Overall winner of the event was Derek Stuart-Findlay in his MG Magnette. The Skorokoro Trophy for the ‘tattiest’ car on the event went to Gerner de Beer’s Jaguar Mk,IV, while Johan Rust collected to prize for finishing last in his Glitterbug beach buggy.