GSM Anniversary

On Heritage weekend Sunday, the GSM Club celebrated its 60th anniversary at FMM with a huge display of Darts and Flamingos featuring the first 10 GSM Darts to be built – including the first production GSM Dart, chassis number 5801, which has just been found. Cars and chassis were lined up around the quadrant and half of Hall C also housed cars along with a host of memorabilia and nostalgia items displaying the company’s history in detail.

It was in the 1950s that Bob van Niekerk had a dream of building a South African sports car. He teamed up with Willie Meissner and Verster de Wit, and with their individual talents they created a car which they called the GSM Dart. Bob’s dream became a reality when the first production car left the factory in 1958, and 60 years later FMM was proud to host the celebration of the historic event. It was a very special occasion and a proud moment in South Africa’s motoring heritage.